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Melania reveals she felt ‘abandoned’ when Trump campaign team ‘betrayed’ her

Melania Trump has mercilessly laid the blame for the embarrassing episode in which she was accused of copying Michelle Obama’s speech on the Trump campaign and specifically targeted one staff worker.
In her newly-published memoir, the former First Lady revisits the issue surrounding her 2016 speech at the Republican National Convention.
Admitting that she felt a deep “sense of betrayal” by staff members over the ordeal, Melania stated in the book that there were “undeniable similarities” between her address and Obama’s 2008 DNC speech, in which she accused the campaign staff of “fail[ing] to implement even the most fundamental safeguard.”
She even questions, “Why was the speech not vetted?”
She writes that Meredith McIver, an in-house writer for the Trump Organization and “a longtime friend” of Trumps, was brought in to assist Melania with her speechwriting.
Melania claims that she was intrigued to Obama’s speech years prior throughout the research. “During my review of many speeches of previous First Ladies, Michelle’s emphasis on the fundamental values of hard work, integrity, and kindness resonated deeply, reflecting the core principles that were instilled in me by my parents during my upbringing in Slovenia.”
According to Melania, she and Meredith discussed the importance of parents teaching their children these values. “While I relied on Meredith to help me with the speech and the campaign to review it, I was pleased with the final result.”
At the RNC, Melania’s address was warmly received, and she was in high spirits. However, her accomplishment was short-lived as “news of a potential accusation of plagiarism reached our campaign.”
The former First Lady was shocked to learn how similar the two speeches were. Expressing her disbelief, she said, “The weight of this realization hit me with a force I had never experienced. Looking back, I realized that I had relied too much on others in this crucial endeavor.”
Also Read: Melania Trump finally reveals hidden meaning behind her controversial ‘I don’t care’ jacket
As Melania’s speech had some exact quotes from Obama’s speech, she asked her husband Donald Trump out of “frustration”, “Why was the speech not vetted?”
Trump “expressed disappointment” but he was “unable” to give her an answer.
After the backlash, McIver finally released an apology on letterhead from the Trump Organization. “This was my mistake, and I feel terrible for the chaos I have caused Melania and the Trumps, as well as Mrs. Obama. No harm was meant.”
Melania, however, notes that “the damage was done.” She blasted the team for “failure,” campaign, saying that this “negligence left me feeling completely abandoned.”
